1) The animation above shows the kinetic nucleation of spin-s solitons (with N = 2s+1 components) from initial conditions mimicking those inside dark matter halos. For democratic initial conditions, and same total density, the time-scale of nucleation scales linearly with the number of components. From left to right: scalar (s=0, and N=1 component), vector (s=1, and N=3 component) and tensor (s=2, and N=5 component) dark matter. Kinetic nucleation is “quick” for scalars, 3 times longer for vectors, 5 times longer still for tensors.
Each panel shows the projected total mass density in the simulation volume. See our paper “Kinetic relaxation and Bose-star formation in multicomponent dark matter” by Jain, Amin, Thomas and Wanichwecharungruang (2023) for details of the condensation time estimates, and simulations.
2) Please be patient, it takes a while for the condensation to happen. The simulation above shows kinetic nucleation when we consider 2 component dark matter with the same mass density in each component, but the boson mass in each component is different (thus two scalar fields, with a heavier boson mass on the right). The lighter component emerges first, with second component slowly accumulating around the first. The detailed estimate for the time scale of emergence is provided in the paper.

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